Friday, April 15, 2011

Mission Statement

Maybe "mission statement" is a bit formal. To be honest there isn't really a purpose to this blog, other than to document my culinary experiments as I try to clean up my diet. Since we really are what we eat, it's time for a big change. As a serious foodie with a dangerous weakness for rich stinky cheeses, sugary cereal and potatoes in all their glorious forms, trying to change the way I eat is a pretty big endevor. Everything has to taste amazing, or I just won't eat it. I am trying to cook with a minimal amount or without any: cow dairy, refined sugar, wheat or gluten, potatoes, white rice, red meat or poultry. It's not that I am opposed to eating those things. To be honest, I love them, I just don't need to eat them every day. In exchange I am going to play with vegetables that I have never had an interest in before and to embrace tofu and soy products which I have previously turned my nose up at. I will probably fall off the wagon from time to time but if I can make clean food taste great, then it should be easy to get back into. In theory anyway.